誘発筋電図に関する実験的研究 : (1) 健康正常人における変動性
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EVOKED EMG which had been initiated by Hoffman and Magladery was applied with central nervous disorders in attempting to determine the level of lesions. Also there were not many reports on basical studies without clinical reports. The purpose of this study was attempting to research the variability in normal healthy individuals (aged 18 to 34yr., six men) on (1) relationship between stimulus intensity and amplitude, (2) thresholds, (3) amplitudes in repetitive stimulations and (4) H-wave recovery curve. A11 stimulating durations were 1msec, and each stimulating intervals were 3 sec. One of the subjects wes stimulated by two electrodes-needle (inside) and rod (surface) electrode-for getting a thorough going over the dependence on both methods at the beginning of this study. As this results, there was no significants once without the differences on stimulating intensity by skin impedance. Therefore, there was no doubtfulness using the surface electrode and it was used for all this studies. Thresholds of H-wave were 36 to 68V on six subjects and the maximum H-wave amplitudes (1.2 to 2.3mV) were found at 55 to 100V. On the variation of H-wave amplitudes with repetitive stimulations (stimulating intensity 50 to 95V), average amplitudes were 1.18 to 2.33mV (S.D. ; 0.19 to 0.3mV) and the coefficient of variation was 11 to 16. Refractory periods on H-wave recovery curves were 60 to 90msec. and a few ones was shown the pattern like as the patient's with thyrotoxicosis and cerebellar tumor. Although H-wave recovery rates were constant over 300 msec. (65.01±10.14% on 300 msec., 66.20±10.21% on 400msec., 67.29-9.9% on 500msec, average±S.D.), variation was twice on 150msec. (53.82±26.08%) like as many reports. So, there may be some factors on this period.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1977-03-01
- ランナーの種目別特性に関する研究 : 6.キネシオロジー的研究
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- 318.外気照射の脳波に対する影響
- 18.脂肪分解のインスリンに対する反応性に及ぼす身体トレーニングの影響 第4報
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- 4101 O_2-deficitとO_2-debtの検討
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- 随意動作開始直前のH波の変化
- 120.脊椎の興奮性と反応時間 : 対側肢背屈・底屈運動について : 体型・体位・発育発達
- 誘発筋電図に関する実験的研究 : (2)発声動作前後のH波の変動について
- 346.高齢者の体力の実態について
- 誘発筋電図に関する実験的研究 : (1) 健康正常人における変動性
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