運動の無機質代謝に及ぼす影響 : I.ボート部選手の合宿トレーニングにおける尿中無機質排泄量および血清無機質量の変動
- 論文の詳細を見る
Six healthy boatmen of students were examined their mineral metabolism in urine and serum over three different periods consisting of three successive days in every two weeks, during the training camp of boat race event. The first examination period (I) was 11-14 June as ordinary time while attending school, the second period (II) 25-28 June as relatively light exercise time in training camp while attending school, and the third period (III) in summer vacation 9-12 July as hard physical exercise time. Every two hour urine was collected during the three days of each period and the blood from the cubital vein of the examinees was sampled at noon of the second day in each period. [A] Urinary excretions per 24 hours in the three different periods. (1) No definite variation was seen in pH. The value of the Donaggio's reaction was found greater in periods II and III compared to that of period I. (2) Urine volume did not show any significant variation, but the water metabolism probably rose in periods II and III. Creatinine increased significantly in III. (3) No significant variation of Na was observed but the total excretion including the sweat was to be much greater in periods II and III increasingly, and the difference of Ca and Mg between I and II was not significant, while total excretion significantly rose in III. (4) The Na/K ratios fell in periods II and III. The fall seems to be caused by promotion in K excretion and in Na retention relatively, in which the rise of the function of the adrenal cortex is suggested. [B] Serum contents of Na, K, P, Ca and Mg in the three different periods. The fall of Na in periods II and III was significantly greater, in which the effect of the sweat excretion is considered, while K rose significantly in the same periods. The increase of P was in II and III. Both Ca and Mg showed a tendency to increase in III.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1972-06-01
- 運動の無機質代謝に及ぼす影響 : II.女子大学生スキー合宿訓練時における尿中無機質排泄量の変動
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- 運動の無機質代謝に及ぼす影響 : I.ボート部選手の合宿トレーニングにおける尿中無機質排泄量および血清無機質量の変動
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