スイトウセンチュウの生態に関する研究 : 第5報 罹害イネの生育並びに収量解析試験
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Rice nematodes distribute widely in the rice planting regions of Japan, but there is almost no knowledge or estimation if any of the damage caused by them. Therefore the writers have studied on the growth of the rice plant attacked by nematodes and the decrease in yields caused by them to obtain some data for the estimation of the damages. Experimental pots, except for the germination test of injured seeds, were used. The non-injured seeds harvested in the past year from a non-injured field, were sowed on pots, and after about two weeks the liquid with the swimming nematodes was injected into the said pots. About 50 nematodes were found living in 5 cc of the liquid. At the growing stage the number of injured stems of each hill, the height of the plant and the number of stems were observed, and after the harvest the yield was estimated. In this paper, the estimation of damage was. done by the correlation between the ratio of injured stems and the plant growth or the yield characters The results obtained are as follows ; 1. In injured seeds the ratio of germinated seeds and its germinating vitality were recognized to be somewhat lower than those of non-injured seeds, and the maximum germination in injured seeds was rather delayed compared with non-injured seeds (Fig. 1). 2. The height of the plant originated from the injured seedling was considered to be about one half of those from non-injured ones (Fig. 2). 3. The ration of injured stems in early August (x) had positive correlation with the ratio of the injured stems (y) on September 1st and 24th. There was negative correlation between the ratio of the injured stems (x) and the two growth factors, the height of the plant and the number of the stems. The correlation with height of the plant reached the maximum in late August and with the number of stems in early August. There was negative correlation between the ratio of the injured panicles and the ratio of the injured stems, the correlation coeficient being about 0.9. 4. There was negative correlations between the ratio of the injured stems and such yield characters as the length and weight of the panicles, and the weight of rice grains. But these correlations were higher in "Ginchu", a susceptible variety, than in "Norin 43", a resistant variety. 5. According to the regression equation, when all stems of a hill were injured the decrease in yields of the hill could be estimated to be about 60 per cent in Ginchu, and about 20 per cent in Norin 43.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-07-01
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