スイトウセンチュウの生態に関する研究 : 第3報 苗代様式にるイネの害徴及び籾内棲息密度の変動
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In the previous paper it was shown that the swimming nematodes migrated from hill to hill by mix-planting of the injured seedlings and normal ones, and thus the normal plants become remarkably contaminated. Therefore, from applied ecology, we have studied on the type of nursery bed which may protect the rice plants from contamination caused by the swimming nematodes. Two types of the nursery beds were used, i.e., the nursery bed covered with oil paper and the irrigated common nursery bed. The seeds treated with hot water or non treated ones were sown in each bed neighboring the injured bed. After the nursery stage the seedlings were transplanted in the experimental pots, then the plant growth and the population of the nematodes in unhulled rice grains were studied. The results obtained are : 1. Difference in total number of stems was insignificant between the two beds, but the number of injured stems was less in the protected nursery bed than in the normal one. 2. In unhulled grains of the rice plant grown in the protected bed the population density of the nematodes was very low or zero, while in the normal bed it was considerably high. 3. As for the plants grown in the normal bed, unhulled rice grains of almost all stems were contaminated by nematodes, even though the injured by nematodes in injured stems and non-injured ones in the same hill was insignificant. The population density of rice nematodes in the injured hill was higher than in non-injured ones. 4. When the seedlings were planted in the normal nursery bed, the population of the nematodes in unhulled rice grains was higher in the injured hills than in the normal ones without distinction of the treatment and non-treatment by hot water. But, when the seeds treated with hot water were sown, the population density in normal stems of injured hills was lower than in injured stems.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-04-01
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