東京都の防火用水池に於ける生物生産の研究 : I 植物プランクトンの成層構造及び季節遷移
- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) Three artificial pools, where the investigations were carried out, are situated in Shinjukuku, Tokyo, Japan. They are made of concrete, of rectangular shape (4×10m^2) and of the same depth of 2.5m. They were built as water reservoirs for fire protection in 1940. The water is humus brown, and is so turbid that SECCHI'S disc was often invisible at 0.5m. The three pools were designated as A, B and C. The pool A is situated in the open. The water edge of the western part of pool B and of the northern part of pool C were covered with the canopy of tree (5〜8m high), which are the main agencies giving rise to the difference of the nature of the waters. (2) The stratification and the seasonal succession of the number of phytoplankton were investigated. Stratifying samplings of phytoplankton were made monthly by using a siphon water sampler. They were measured by the precipitation method. (3) The similar mode of vertical stratification of phytoplankton was seen in the three pools. The maximum concentration of the total phytoplankters was seen in the upper layers (0-1m deep) during the spring and the early autumn overturns. It was seen in the middle and bottom layers (1-2m deep) during the winter. (4) Cyanophyceae and Desmidiaceae were commonly distributed in the upper layers during the summer stagnation. The surface water was rich in Peridinium and Phacus, but Trachelomonas assemble in the bottom layer. In the winter Synedra increased in the lower layers and in the spring and the autumn in the upper layers. (5) The seasonal succession of the individual number took place differently in the three pools both qualitatively and quantitatively. the annual yield of phytoplankton at C was larger than at B in 1952,and the reverse in 1953. It was less at A than in the other two pools every year. Two maxima were found in the spring and in the autumn, and two minima were seen in the winter and the mid-summer at every pool. (6) Cyanophyceae did not appear at A, and Flagellatae were mostly abundant in each pool Cyanophyceae, Diatomaceae and Desmidiaceae were scarce. The pool C was rich in Chlorophyceae. Other groups of phytoplankton occurred in about the same degree at every pool. (7) At A, Chlamydo onas (in 1951 and 1952), Trachelomonas and Peridinium (in 1953) dominated during the luxuriant period, while at B Trachelomonas was abundant every year, and at C Trachelomonas, Peridinium and Synedra and Melosira surpassed in all pools during the cold season, though some exceptions were recognized.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1958-10-30
- 諏訪湖流入,流出河川の水質と底生動物群集の季節変化
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- 東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究-12-
- 東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究-10-
- 東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究 : V.PhytoplanktonのProductivityの季節変化(2)
- 東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究 : V.PhytoplanktonのProductivityの季節変化(1)
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- 東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究 IV. : 動物プランクトンの現存量の季節変化
- 東京都の防火用水池に於ける生物生産の研究 : I 植物プランクトンの成層構造及び季節遷移