東京都の防火用水池における生物生産の研究 : III Phytoplankton の Standing crop の季節遷移
- 論文の詳細を見る
Standing crops of phytoplankton were measured by using some different methods in three large fire pools (40m^2,2.5m in depth) in Tokyo from 1951 to 1953. (1) The amount of seston increased in the spring and the autumn (20mg/l), and decreased in February and March (5mg/l). It was larger in the bottom layer (2m layer) than in the surface layer. The amount in Pool A was 1/3〜1/2 of those of other pools. Ignition loss amounted to 50〜90 per cent, and was largest in Pool A. It was generally small in winter. It was large in the surface layer in the summer and in the lowest layer in the winter. The seasonal changes and the vertical distribution of the organic matter in seston were about the same to those of seston. It showed nearly the same value in each pool(15mg/l in maximum, 1mg/l in minimum), which were somewhat larger than those of the common eutrophic lakes. (2) The amount of evaporation residue was 120〜150mg/l in average in each pool. It was large in the bottom layer. Maximum values were seen in the spring and the autumn. The ignition loss was 20〜70 per cent. The amount of organic matter was about ten times as much in the evaporation residue as in the seston. The maximum value of the former is seen a month later than that of the latter. (3) Nearly the same tendency was seen between the seasonal changes in the amount of the consumption of KMnO_4 and of the organic matter in the evaporation residue, or between the amount of albuminoid-N and of the organic matter in seston. Amount of the KMnO_4 consumption was 10〜40mg/l, and of albuminoid-N was 0.3〜1.0mg/l. These contents in Pool A were a little less than in Pools B and C. (4) In the chlorophyll content of waters, two maxima were seen in the spring and in the autumn, and two minima in the winter and in the midsummer in each pool. The content was large in the lower layers in Pool A, and in the upper and middle layers in Pools B and C. It ranged from 3 to 80mg/m^3,showing the same degree of the content in eutrophic lakes. Three years' data showed that the monthly mean amount in Pool A was 1/2 of Pool B, and Pool C was 2/3 of Pool B. The amount of phytoplankton calculated from the amount of chlorophyll was 0.1〜3.0mg/l, being 5〜20 per cent of the organic matter in seston. (5) TThe above facts showed that a large amount of detritus and heterotrophic plants were involved in addition to green plants in the seston of these fire pools. For this reason it is difficult to estimate the amount of phytoplankton from the amount of organic matters in seston. It is especially marked during the turn-over period.Consequently, it can better be computed from the chlorophyll content. For the more precise computations the correction according to the qualitative nature of the plankton is needed. It is especially important. when diatom is abundant.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1958-12-30
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