- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The climate of North area in Yunishikawa shows intermediate figures lying between the climate of Japan Sea type and Pacific coast type. 2. Specific composition on the surveyed ares consist of Japan Sea element and Pacific element half and half. 3. Climax beach forest on the area lies between(Saseto-Fagetum crenatae)which is typical in Japan Sea region and(Pleioblasteto-Fagetum crenatae) in Pacific coast region. The most dominant species in the forest floor is Carex Morrowii, instead of Sasa which is usually found in Japanese beach forest, that is to say, the vegetational type of forest floor is not the Sasa-type but carex-type. 4. On rocky cliffs or on ridges, the forest of Pinus pentapkylla with Thuja Standishii develops. 5. After surveying, the following associations are recognized. A : Saseto-Fagetumcaricetosum B : Saseto-Fagetumaesuletosum C : Rhodoreto-Thujetumilicietosum.
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