天蚕及び柞蚕の交尾に関する研究 : 第3報 交尾開始時刻, 交尾分離時刻, 交尾継続時間及び1夜交尾回数
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The writers studied the behaviours of A. Yamamai ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ and A. pernyi ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ all through the night with the purpose to know their generative characteristics. It was found that most of the moths begin to copulate late in the midnight from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. and end just before dawn viz. from 3.30 a.m. to 4.30 a.m. As regards A. pernyi ♀×A. pernyi ♂ and A. Yamamai ♀×A. pernyi ♂, observation was made every 30 minutes, with the result that most of them start copulation in the midnight from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. and terminate in the dusk, viz. about 7 p.m. of the successive day. The duration of copulation in the former two groups(A. Yamamai♀×A. Yamamai♂ and A. pernyi♀×A. Yamamai♂)was nearly two hours in average, while in the latter two groups(A. pernyi♀×A. pernyi♂ and A. Yamamai♀×A. pernyi♂), it was about 14-16 hours, with wide variations among the individuals. The longest records of duration in A. pernyi ♀×A. pernyi♂, A. pernyi ♀×A. Yamamai♂ and A. Yamamai♀×A. Yamamai♂ were 26 hours 13 minutes, 24 hours 21 minutes, 6 hours 28 minutes and 8 hours 25 minutes respectively, while the shortest records of the abovementioned four groups were 12,5,17 and 5 minutes respectively. Although one copulation in one night is the general tendency among them, one of the authors has once witnessed a pair that copulated twice in a single night. Such a case, of course, is very rare. Among A. pernyi, however, there are a few that copulate as frequent as for three successive nights. Needless to say, the impotent moths die witbout any sexual behaviour.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1955-07-31
山田 たけを
山崎 寿
西村 国男
西村 国男
山崎 寿
西村 国男
山田 たけを
西村 国男
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- 天蚕及び柞蚕の交尾に関する研究 : 第3報 交尾開始時刻, 交尾分離時刻, 交尾継続時間及び1夜交尾回数
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