天蚕及び柞蚕の交尾の関する研究 : 第2報 発蛾より初交尾までの日数
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To investigate the interval between emergence and copulation, 191 pairs of A, pernyi, 117 of A. Yamamai ♀×A. pernyi ♂, 122 of A. pernyi ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ and 74 pairs of A. Yamamai were observed in July of 1953,with the result that the copulation ratio of those pairs with male A. pernyi moths (the former two groups) were as many as 100% and those of the pairs with the male A. Yamamai were meagre, that is 100%, 100%, 62% and 28% in A. pernyi ♀×A. pernyi ♂, A. Yamamai ♀×A. pernyi ♂, A. yernyi ♂×A. Yamamai ♂ and A. Yamamai ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ respectively. The items were as follows : -(1) As regards A. pernyi ♀×A. pernyi ♂, the account was 81% in the night emergence and 19% in the successive night. (2) In A. Yamamai ♀×A. pernyi♂, 90% and 10% were in the first and in the second nights respectively. (3) Concerning A. pernyi ♂×A. Yamamai ♂, it is a noteworthy phenomenon that no copulation occourred in the very night of emergence, but 77%, 19% and 4% of the total copulation were in the second, the third and the fourth nights respectively. (4) As to A.Yamamai ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ also, no copulation was seen in the first night of emergence. Although it must be added that one of the authors has once witnessed a pair copulating in the first night, such a case is extremely rare. Among the scanty total ratio of this species, 81% belongs to the second night and 19% to the third night, whence no copulation is usually seen. The impotent moths then, needless to say, were dead without copulation. In short, A. pernyi copulates almost exclusively in the very night of emergence and slightly in the successive night, where as A. Yamamai does not copulate in the first night but in the second and the third nights. The copulation between different species is determined by the male moth, that is, the copulation between A. pernyi ♀×A. Yamamai ♂ is similiar to the pattern of A. Yamamai and that of A. Yamamai ♀×A. pernyi ♂ to A. pernyi's one.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1955-03-31
山崎 寿
西村 国男
西村 国男
山崎 寿
西村 国男
山田 欣次
西村 国男
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