- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper the ranges of following two pecies of hepatics are treated. 12. Calobryum rotundifolium (MITT.) SCHIFFN., cf. HORIKAWA 1951,Jour Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, 2-6,11 This species was established by MITTEN as Scalia rotundifolia based upon specimens collected by the "Challenger" Expedition in Japan. The 52 packets of specimens of Calobryum rotuudifolium in our herbarium, were examined by the writer. In this paper the species will be published for the first time from the six Prefectures, Yamagata (1), Fukui (1), Nara (3), Tokushima (1), Fukuoka (3), Oita (1) and Island Tokunoshima (1), and new localities will be added to the Prefectures of Wakayama (2) and Kochi (1). Map 12 has been prepared based on 67 localities (14 of which are new additions and 53 were previously known). As shown in the map, the northernmost limit of the species in question lies at Haguroyama (38°43' L.N.) in Yamagata Prefecture and its southernmost limit is on Mt. Chippon (22°45' L.N.) in Formosa. The values of macrofrequency of this species in each districts are shown in Table 13. As seen in this table, the values of macrofrequency in the region from Formosa to S.W. Honshiu are generally equal, but those of M. Honshiu and N.E. Honshiu become suddenly smaller, in other words the distribution-fall is distinct between S.W. Honshiu and M. Honshiu. [Table] According to our present knowledge, the highest elevation of this species is on Mt. Hikosan in Kiushiu where it was found at 760m above sealevel and it may be said that this species grows in the evergreen broad-leaved tree zone. Geographic distribution. Japan, Liukius & Formosa.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1955-03-31
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