- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper the rangse of two species of mosses are treated. 6. Pterobryum arbuscula Mitt. Pterobryum arbuscula belongs to one of the most remarkable epiphytic mosses as is commonly found in the primeval foreset in Japan. At present Pt. arbuscula is known from 137 localities, viz. 1 in Hokkaido, 3 in N. E. Honshiu, 23 in M. Honshiu, 47 in S. W. Honshiu, 28 in Shikoku and 49 in Kiushiu. So far as the present state of our knowledge is concerned, this species has its northern limit at Oboro (43°03′L.N.) in Hokkaido and its sourthern limit in Yakushima (30°15′L.N.). The Macrofrequency of this species in each district is shown in table 5. As will be seen from map 6 and table 5,the centre of the distribution seems to exist in Shikoku and Kiushiu. According to my knowledge, its highest elevation lies in Mt. Yatsugatake ascending to 1820 m. above sea level and its lowest elevation lies at Oboro, Hokkaido, descending to 40m. above sea level. Area geogr. Endemic to Japan. 7. Theriotia lorifolia Card. The genus Theriotia was established by CARDOT in 1904,based upon the sterile specimen which was collected by FAURIE at Quen-San in Corea. CARDOT in his paper put this genus belonging to the Calymperaceae, suggesting that it represents a peculiar structure of the leaves. BROTHERUS afterwards (1909&1925) removed it into the Diphysciaceae, as closely allied to the genus Diphyscium. The genus is monotypic and the habitat of this plant is of unusual interest, because the plant is only found at wetty or submerged silicious rock-bed. At present Th. lorifolia is known from 61 localities, viz. 7 in M. Honshiu, 40 in S. W. Honshiu, 4 in Shikoku, 8 in Kiushiu and 2 in Corea. So far as our present knowledge goes, this plant has its northern limit at Quen-San (39°10′L.N.) in Corea and its southern limit in Yakushima (30°15′L. N.). [table] The macrofrequency of the species in each district is shown in table 6. As will be seen from map 7 and table 6,the centre of its distribution lies in S. W. Honshiu. According to the present knowledge, this plant seems to be one of the Japamurian species), its highest elevation lies at Mt. Ishizuchi ascending to 1640m. above sea level and its lowest elevation at Miyajima descending to 60 m. Area geogr. Endemic to Corea and Japan.[table]
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1953-08-20
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