- 論文の詳細を見る
The vegetation history for the last ca. 100 years was reconstructed, and the influence of disturbance on the structure of vegetation mosaics was examined in an area of 100 km^2 in the Soya Hills, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The age structure of stands, charcoal fragments found beneath the litter layer, and documented evidence suggest that the forests in the study area have been disturbed severely by fires and logging since the mid-1800s. In particular, a fire that occurred in 1911,which burned almost all of the forest in this area, had a major effect on the structure of the present vegetation. While birch forest developed soon after the fire in the southern part of the study area, no forest developed in the northern part ; a large Sasa grassland (ca. 6000 ha) formed, except in valleys. One of the reasons for this difference in regeneration after the fire of 1911 was the difference in disturbance history before and after 1911. In the northern area, the forest has been disturbed by small fires and logging during the last 100 years, whereas in the southern area there has been no major disturbance since 1911 and probably before that. In addition, strong wind, which is a potential adverse factor for forest establishment in this area, has probably contributed to the formation of the Sasa grassland. Most of the relic stands and reestablished stands occupy north-facing slopes. This unique distribution of forest stands has resulted from spatial heterogeneity of disturbance operations and microsite conditions : fires did not destroy all the stands on north-facing slopes, and microsite conditions on the north-facing slopes are more suitable than those on south-facing slopes for forest regeneration after disturbance.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1993-09-03
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