カワガラスCinclus pallasii TEMMINCKの活動時間配分パターン
- 論文の詳細を見る
Time budgets and home range utilization of the brown dipper were investigated in central Kyushu from 1982 to 1985. The dippers preferred shallows mainly for foraging but avoided pools. Both sexes utilized the same parts of the territory during the breeding season. Foraging for themselves occupied 20-50%, and resting including preening occupied 20-50% of daytime activity throughout the year. A large amount of loafing time and small foraging time may be an adaptation to the temporally adverse food condition owing to spates. Foraging activity when they were feeding young occupied up to 60-80% of daytime activity. Energy expenditure was high during the nest building and rearing stages and low during the incubation stage. Only females incubated eggs and brooded young, but both sexes contributed equally to nest building and feeding of young. A large expenditure of time and energy for nest building and feeding of young may be one of the reasons why the brown dipper maintains a monogamous mating system.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1988-12-31
江口 和洋
江口 和洋
Eguchi Kazuhiro
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
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