ブナ科植物の生態学的研究 : III.種子-実生期の比較生態学的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The seed and seedling stages of 19 species and 2 varieties of Fagaceae in Japan were studied comparatively. These species were clasified into two groups on the basis of the difference of germination rate. One is the group of species whose seeeds germinate rapidly after their falling, and then elongate their roots long enough within the mast year. Another is the group of species whose seeds do not germinate until the next spring of the mast year. The species of Lepidobalanus show the large diversity of seedfalling time and germination rate. This diversity corresponds to their distributional diversity, that is, the species of Lepidobalanus distribute widely in cool temperate and warm temperate zone. Contrary to this diversity of Lepidobalanus, the species of Cyclobalanopsis show similarity of seed-falling time and germination rate. Corresponding to this similarity, the species of Cyclobalanopsis distribute only within warm temperate zone. The distribution and behavior of some important species such as Fagus crenata, Castanopsis cuspidata, C. cuspidata var. sieboldii, Quercus variabilis, Q. acutissima, etc. were discussed precisely using field and experimental results on the seed and seedling stages.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1982-06-30
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- ブナ科植物の生態学的研究 : IV. アベマキの5年生までの生長と根における貯蔵物質
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- ブナ科植物の生態学的研究 : III.種子-実生期の比較生態学的研究
- ブナ科植物の生態学的研究 : II.アベマキの分布と種子期の性質
- ブナ科植物の生態学的研究 : I.アベマキの種子期における生理生態学的研究
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