- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Changes of the School Goals Recentry the contents of the school goals have been much changed. These changes depend on the changes of the school roles in the industrialized society. Secondly, the changes of the school roles come from the changes of social expectations for the educational training. Today school is only an adaptive institution which follows social change; therefore, school has been turned into the center of a cultural lag and social conflict. 2. Aspects of dysfunctions. It is true that school is an effective agency of socialization and an allocative agency of participants. However, social functions of school are mostly not carried into effect. They bring in unanticipated consequences which are called latent functions of variables by R. K. Merton. We use the following conceptual scheme for the analysis of the effects of socialization in the schools. [table] In Aspect A, successful socialization will be performed, but Aspect C is the unanticipated dysfunctional consequence which is incompatible with the school goals or moral expectations. On the other hand, Aspect B is the by-product which intensifies the social integration and the morale of the school. Aspect D has a deviant and antisocial culture in nature. 3. Socialization pattern in the School. We are able to analize more clearly the socialization process in the school by the adoption of the concept prisonization; internalization of the general culture, norms and customs in the prison community. In the school, socialization is effective in the beginning term to produce conformity of behavior. In the middle term, socialization functions are reduced and deviant behaviors of participants increase. In the last graduation term, resocialization functions of the school come into effect and conformity also increases in number.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1972-10-15
- 在外日本人児童の適応と学習 : マニラ・シンガポールにおける在外日本人コミュニティとその子弟の教育に関する調査 中間報告(一般研究 III・4部会 国際比較研究(II))
- III 教育社会学のリアリティ構成 : 量質・方法論争をこえて
- 教育社会学のインテグリティ
- 222 幼児のしつけをめぐる相互作用と社会的現実 : しつけの社会学(その2)(II-2部会 親子関係・しつけ)
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- 子どもの社会化における親の意味付与 : 家庭内における昔話伝承の実態から(III-4部会 文化と親子関係)
- 高校における教師と生徒の構成的現実(III-6部会 中等教育(II))
- 知識の配分と社会化(その5) : 高校における秩序と社会化(一般研究 I・3部会 中等教育I)
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- 2 青少年教育の諸問題(第2部会 青少年教育)
- 6 教育社会学研究の一視角 : 教育におけるinteractionismから構造的把握へ(第1部会 教育社会学論)
- 2. 大学教育に対する期待と効果
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