- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies on the effects of mass communication have proved that the effects of television on the viewers are intervened by such factors as the primary groups, their norms, and interpersonal relationships within the groups. This suggests that the way in which family members watch television and evaluate various influences of television-viewing upon the socialization of children may be regarded as an important index to show the structure, the value system and the interpersonal relationships of the family. Two aspects of child socialization in the family are examined in terms of TV-watching behaviors reported in various research projects on "television and the child." They are: (1) the contact between parents and children mediated by TV-viewing, and (2) the "deferred gratification" idea closely related with child-rearing in middle-class families. (1) Almost all reports tell us that the contact between parents and children has increased both in the number and in the proportion of hours since the introduction of TV sets into families. It is also suggested that this increase in the quantity of contacts is not necessarily followed by the increase in the frequency of talks and hence in the intimacy between parents and children. This might partly be caused by the parents' attitudes toward the content of adult TV programs which, according to various reports, children watch more often than child programs. Parents or children might enjoy watching these adult programs by themselves, but might feel embarrassed in the presence of the others. If this be the case, it would suggest what the dominant value system would be in the field of child education within the family. But the fact is that most parents are found to be either optimistic or permissive about TV programs in spite of the advice of researchers against such undesirable effects as prematurity. (This, of course, does not mean that parents are quite indifferent to bad influences.) (2) Permissive attitudes toward program content may reflect the general emphasis of modern nuclear families upon enjoyment or the gratification of human desires. The incompatibility between this emphasis and the "deferred gratification" which is considered to be the predominant value of the middle-class family education can be solved by paying a closer attention to one factor of the latter idea, namely, the time-orientation. This time-consciousness of parents may also explain why they are more strict about the way the children watch television than about what they watch.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1970-10-10
- 中小企業集団の構造 : 名古屋市西区菓子屋街の場合
- 苅谷 剛彦 著, 『大衆教育社会のゆくえ : 学歴主義と平等神話の戦後史』, 新書判, 226頁, 720円, 中央公論社
- 高校入試体制と中学生の対応 (「高校・大学入試改革と青年の進路」(教育改革をめぐる公開シンポジウム-5-))
- 学歴主義からの脱却(第26回大会講演)
- 教員養成の争点と生涯教育
- 学歴社会の立場から : 学校機能の限定と集中へ(シンポジウム 義務教育後教育体系の構想)
- 学歴社会における学校の機能(課題研究 I 地域と学校の機能)
- 学校群における格差形成のメカニズム
- 学歴意識の構造
- 麻生 誠編, 「教育社会学」, 社会学講座 第一〇巻, A5判, 二七八頁, 東京大学出版会
- 学区の再編成
- テレビ視聴からみた家庭教育の構造
- 母親の教育意識の構造
- 母親の職業活動と子どもの適応
- 意見-教育社会学的視角について
- II 現代における家庭教育
- 地域の変貌とモラル
- 中学生の学校差観
- 501 名古屋市におけるじゆく教育の実態と問題点
- 130 生徒の相貌の追求 : 方法論的試み
- 9. 農民の教育意識と階層
- 二、生徒集団における階級的要内について(続) (第五回 日本教育社会学会 大会研究発表要項)
- 2. 生徒集団における階級的要因について(続)(第一部会)