Connection Between the Meson Decay and the Beta-Decay
Sakata Shoichi
Institute For Theoretical Physics Nagoya University
Sakata Shoichi
Institute Of Theoretical Physics Kyoto Imperial University
- Chapter 1 A Unified Model for Elementary Particles : Nagoya Model(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- A Unified Model for Elementary Particles
- On the Wave Equation of Meson
- On the Correlations between Mesons and Yukawa Particles
- Connection Between the Meson Decay and the Beta-Decay
- Appendix I On a Composite Model for the New Particles
- On a Composite Model for the New Particles
- The Spontaneous Disintegration of the Neutral Mesotron : Neutretto
- On the Applicability of the Method of the Mixed Fields in the Theory of the Elementary Particles
- The Theory of the Interaction of Elementary Particles. : I. The Method of the Theory of Elementary Particles.