On the Applicability of the Method of the Mixed Fields in the Theory of the Elementary Particles
Umezawa Hiroomi
Institute Of Theoretical Physics Nagoya University
Sakata Shoichi
Institute For Theoretical Physics Nagoya University
Sakata Shoichi
Institute Of Theoretical Physics Nagoya University
Umezawa Hiroomi
Institute Of Theoretial Physics Nagoya University
- Chapter 1 A Unified Model for Elementary Particles : Nagoya Model(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- A Unified Model for Elementary Particles
- On the Transition Matrix and the Green Function in the Quantum Field Theory
- On the Problem of Gauge-Invariancy and Divergence in the Theory of Elementary Particles, I
- On the Wave Equation of Meson
- On the Correlations between Mesons and Yukawa Particles
- Connection Between the Meson Decay and the Beta-Decay
- Appendix I On a Composite Model for the New Particles
- On a Composite Model for the New Particles
- The Spontaneous Disintegration of the Neutral Mesotron : Neutretto
- On the Applicability of the Method of the Mixed Fields in the Theory of the Elementary Particles
- The Theory of the Interaction of Elementary Particles. : I. The Method of the Theory of Elementary Particles.
- On Yukawa's Theory of the Beta-Disintegration and the Lifetime of the Meson
- 1. Toward a New Concept of Elementary Particles
- On the Correlations between Mesons and Yukawa Particles.
- On the Structure of the Interaction of the Elementary Particles, I : The Renormalizability of the Interactions
- On the Theory of the Meson Decay
- The Vaccum in Quantum Electrodynamics
- On the Structure of the Interaction of the Elementary Pasticles, IV : On the Interaction of the Second Kind
- On the Renormalization in Quantum Electrodynamics
- The Self-energy of a Dirac Particle, and its Relativistic Covariance.
- Vacuum Polarization due to Various Charged Particles.
- Theory of the Interaction of Elementary Particles. V. : The Problem of Vacuum Polarization(3)
- Theory of the Interaction of Elementary Particles, IV_2. : The Problem of Vacuum Polarisation. (2)
- Theory of the Interaction of Elementary Particles. IV_1. : The Problem of Vacuum Polarization(1)
- Some General Formulae relating to Vacuum Polarization
- On the Self-stress
- The General Theory of the Interaction Representation, II : General Fields and Interactions
- On the Problem of Covariance in Quantum Electrodynamics, I
- On the Structure of the Interactions of the Elementary Particles, III : On the Renormalizable Field Theory
- On the Problem of Covariance in Quantum Electrodynamics, II
- The General Theory of the Interaction Representation, I : The Local Field
- On the Families of Spinor Fields
- On the Relativistically Improved Integration in Perturbation Theory. : Its Meaning in Feynman Theory
- An Improvement on the Integrations appearing in Perturbation Theory.