On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. III
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
Yukawa Hideki
Department Of Neurosurgery School Of Medicine Iwate Medical University
SAKATA Shoichi
Department of Physics, Osaka Imperial University
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
Sakata Shoichi
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Sakata Shoichi
Department Of Physics Osaka Imperial University
Taketani Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Osaka Imperial University
Department of Physics, Osaka Imperial University
- Follow-up Results One Year after Surgery in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- A-49. Clinical Diagnosis and Indications for Surgical Treatment of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Cerebral Herniations
- The Mass and the Life Time of the Mesotron
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Mass and Mean Life-Time of the Meson
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. IV
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. III
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. II
- Chapter 1 A Unified Model for Elementary Particles : Nagoya Model(Part III Further Outlook for the Theory of Elementary Particles)
- A Unified Model for Elementary Particles
- Remarks on a New Concept of Elementary Particles and the Method of the Composite Model
- The Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces, I : The Deuteron Ground State and Low Energy Neutron-Proton Scattering
- β-Ray Spectrum of RaE
- Part VI. Appendix Populations and Evolution of Stars
- Populations and Evolution of Stars
- On the Establishment of the Yukawa Theory
- On the Method of the Theory of Nuclear Forces
- A Note on the Nuclear Reactions in Stars
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. I
- Angular Distribution of p-p Scattering at High Energies and Radius of the Hard Core
- Introduction : Nuclear Forces and Meson Theory