A Note on the Nuclear Reactions in Stars
- 論文の詳細を見る
Building up of the elements in stars by helium capture, neutron capture and proton capture is considered. A possible model for the formation of the iron peak is presented. A new neutron source is suggested.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1959-01-25
Ohmura Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Mie Central Medical Center
Nakamura Seitaro
Department Of Physics Facult Of Science University Of Tokyo
Taketani Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Osaka Imperial University
Taketani Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University : Instituto De Fisica Teorica
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University : Instituto de Fisica Teorica
- Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Augments Neovascularization Induced by Bone Marrow Transplantation in Rat Hind Limb Ischemia
- Efficacy of Antitachycardia Pacing for Ventricular Tachycardia on Shock Reduction in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators(Arrhythmia, Non-pharmacological Therapy 6 (A), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Societ
- Interpretation of η→3π and K→2π by Meso-Strong Interactions
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. IV
- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. III
- Analysis on the Two Meson Theory
- Analysis on the Two Meson Theory
- Part V On the Method of the Theory of Nuclear Forces
- On the Method of the Theory of Nuclear Forces
- On the Method of the Theory of Elementary Particles
- Effect of Hard Cores on the Binding Energies of H^3 and He^3, II
- On the Matrix Elements ot the Beta Decay
- Nuclear Reactions in the Later Stage of the Stellar Evolution
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. II : Present Problems
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. I : History of the Tomonaga Theory of Fields
- Strong Meson Dominance Model and the G-Parity Non-Conserving Weak Interactions
- Study of Deuteron Stripping Reaction by Coupled Channel Theory. III : Numerical Results without Non-Orthogonality
- Study of Deuteron Stripping Reaction by Coupled Channel Theory. II : Properties of Interaction Kernel and Method of Numerical Solution
- Study of Deuteron Stripping Reaction by Coupled Channel Theory. I : Variational Formulation and Discussion on Basic Equations
- The Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces, I : The Deuteron Ground State and Low Energy Neutron-Proton Scattering
- β-Ray Spectrum of RaE
- The O(4) Symmetry and the Effects of Particle Mixing
- Decaying State and Resonance Scattering
- On the Mesonic Correction to the β-Decay
- The Structure of Weak Interactions
- Mass Spectra of Baryons
- Strong Interaction of Baryons
- On the Weak Interaction of Baryons
- The Second Class Current and the Strong Meson Dominance Model
- β-Rays Emitted from the Polarized Nuclei and β-Decay Interactions on the Strong Meson-Dominance Model
- β-Ray Spectrum and ft-Values in the Forbidden Transitions^*
- Quantum Numbers of Particles
- Interaction Types and Selection Rules in Baryon Processes
- Selection Rules and Mass Spectrum of Particles I
- Symmetry of New Particles
- An Interpretation of New Particles ψ in the Theory of the O(4) Symmetry
- Systematics of Particles : Rotation Levels and Hyper Multiplet
- Part VI. Appendix Populations and Evolution of Stars
- Populations and Evolution of Stars
- High Energy Neutrino Reactions and Physical Interpretation of the Weak Angle by the Theory of Weak Bosons
- On the Method of the Theory of Nuclear Forces
- On the Intermediate Boson Hypotheses of Weak Interactions
- Isobaric-Spin-3/2 States and Intermediate Symmety States in Three-Body Nuclei
- Extensions of Variational Methods, III : Determination of Potential from Phase Shift Function
- A Note on the Nuclear Reactions in Stars
- Intermediate Boson Theory in the Super-Weak Coupling with Neutrino
- Effects of the Coulomb Repulsion on the Electro-Magnetic Radii of H^3 and He^3 Nuclei
- Nuclear Shell Model and the β-Decay Schemes, I
- Non-Leptonic Decay in the Theory of O(4) Symmetry
- An Interpretation of Niu's Event in the Theory of the O(4) Symmetry
- On the Decay of Kaons
- A Quartet Kaon Theory in O(4) Symmetry and CP Law. I
- On the Nature of Muon
- Symmetry of the Leptons and the Intermediate Bosons
- Resonance in the Elastic Scattering with Exchange of Slow Electrons by Helium Atoms : A Calculation of the Jost Function
- Stability of the Electron
- Theory of the Intermediary Mesons
- Mass Spectra of Particles and Model of the Strong Interactions
- Symmetry of the Strong Interaction in the Four-Dimensional Isotopic-Spin Space and in the Three-Dimensional κ-Space
- Test of the Intermcdiary Boson Theory
- Angular Distribution of p-p Scattering at High Energies and Radius of the Hard Core
- A New Formulation on the Electromagnetic Field
- Introduction : Nuclear Forces and Meson Theory