38 N-(フェネチル)コハク縁アミド類縁化合物の構造活性相関
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A series of derivatives of the novel root-promoting substance, N-(phenethyl)succinamic acid (PESA), were synthesized and their root-promoting activity was estimated by adzuki rooting test. The chemical structure of synthesized compounds is shown in Figure 1. In figure 1, A is alkylene group represented as -(CH2)m-, where m stands for an integer from 1 to 4. B is alkylene group represented as -(CH2)n-, where n represents an integer from 1 to 4, or vinylene group. R1 is hydrogen, methyl, methoxyl, hydroxyl, nito group, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. R2 is amino group, methoxyl, ethoxyl, n-propoxyl or iso-ropoxyl.The results of SAR are as follows. 1) The ester derivatives showed a higher root-promoting activity compared with the amide and acid compounds. 2) The compounds containing a benzene ring substituted by halogen atom showed potent root-promoting activity. 3) The activity of the compouds was dependent of the chain length of A and B. These results suggested that hydrophobicity of the molecule of PESA derivatives was a critical factor to exhibit potent root-promoting activity. This was supported by the results of QSAR analysis. In these compounds, it is supposed that N-(4-phenylbutyl)succinamic acid methyl ester is the preferable compound for practical uses.
- 植物化学調節学会の論文
- 1999-10-01
石井 耕
藤田 稔夫
Emil Project Fujitsu Kansai Systems Laboratory
藤田 稔夫
副島 洋
林 善晴
江島 孝光
林 善晴
江島 孝光
副島 洋
石井 耕
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