美術におけるメディアリテラシー教育 : 教員養成課程におけるバウハウス教育の今日的展開
- 論文の詳細を見る
This research is based on the study of the actuality of the Bauhaus, which was a German art and design school, and also an art and design movement. Form of expression and the possibility of educational materials using multimedia were experimentally inspected. The character of media (its integrated art, movement etc) as the base of media literacy education in art, and the actuality of educational materials in the teacher training course were considered in particular. In this research, media literacy is an ability of expression using multimedia, as well as an ability of understanding the character of media and the information. Examples of educational materials using multimedia include animation as a moving image, CG composition using photos of nature, and the making of commercials for goods. Multimedia expression gives us total art activity using all human senses, and can be an educational method which makes us think about the social problems caused by media.
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 2000-03-21
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