コンピュータと造形美術教育 II : 児童の創造過程におけるコンピュータの可能性と課題
- 論文の詳細を見る
From the standpoint of the creative art processes, how should the use of computers be valued as a tool of expression for elementary school students? This research work explores how computers should be utilized in classrooms, looking at the possibilities and the problems. We are proposing to put this program into use in the classrooms after thoroughly examining and posing solutions to incomplete issues raised in preceding studies. From observing the current elementary school students, we can point out as a serious educational problem that these children have content area/textbook knowledge but not direct experience. It is considered a necessary condition for lower grade elementary school children to have an accumulation of direct experience. Therefore, the author has been proposing introduction to computer education on two important bases: 1) seeking computer use possibilities and 2) using direct experience as an important learning factor. This writing is based on two years of research focusing on the function of the computer in creative art education and creative expression, especially on the role of the multi-facet ability of graphics. This hase been studied through the observation of the processes of children's creative expression. The following results were obtained from questionnaire data on the use of graphic software, listed here in the order of the most popular uses: 1) Undo function, 2) Paint function, 3) Stamp function, 4) Effect function, 5) Multi-media function, and 6) Animation function. In summery, some of the computer functions were effective in expanding the possibility of children's creative expression. We can draw the conclution that the uses of the computer as a tool, like pencils and brushes, is effective and should be utilized in creative art education. Another consideration is that the use of computers in the classroom can be helpful in the children's realization of the importance of human expression through the hands. A most positive use of computers should be promoted as an important part of creative art education.
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
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