- 論文の詳細を見る
The pure white pig iron was melted in a high vaccum furnace which was specially deviced using tungsten wire as heating element, and thermal analysis was carried out. The eutectic reaction in the pure iron-carbon system takes place in two steps which differs as 7-10°. This phenomenon well agrees with Ruer and Goerens' result, and the change which takes place at the higher temperature, in cooling is due to the formation of the austenite-graphite eutectic, and that of the lower temperature, to the austenite-cementite eutectic, so called ledeburite. In the specimens subjected to the analysis, two kinds of eutectics above mentioned were well observed under microscope. Therefore, the authors pointed out the correctness of the double diagram of the iron-carbon system. The mechanisms of formation of various forms of graphite, mottled iron and "Umgekehrter Hartguss" were discussed on the basis of the results obtained in the present investigation. By assuming a fact that the degree of dissociation of Fe_3C in molten pig iron decreases as the amounts of some impurities or dissolved gasses increases or the heating temperature rises, the readiness of formation of the graphite eutectic in the pig iron melted in vaccum was well elucidaetd.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1935-11-25
佐藤 知雄
佐藤 知雄
佐藤 知雄
錦織 清治
錦織 清治
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