<報文>熔融金屬及び合金の粘性に關する研究(第2報) : Cd-Zn, Cd-Bi及びCd-Sn系合金の粘性係數並びに熔融金屬の密度測定に就いて
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The viscosity coefficient of molten Cd-Zn, Cd-Bi and Cd-Sn alloys was measured at various temperatures by using the apparatus of a torsional oscillation method described in the previous report. (This Bulletin, 10 (1954), 173). The viscosity coefficient of molten Cd-Zn alloys increases with Sn content at 400° and 450℃, while in both Cd-Bi and Cd-Sn systems, it has minimum value in about 55 atom % Bi in the former system and in about 70 atom % Sn in the latter at constant temperature experimented (350°-450℃). For the calculation of the viscosity coefficient, it is necessary to know the density of molten metals and alloys. Therefore the present authors measured the density of molten alloys by a direct dilatometric method. The accuracy of absolute values of the density obtained by this method is somewhat low, but the error in them is permissible for the use in the calculation of viscosity coefficient.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1955-09-25
佐藤 知雄
佐藤 知雄
棟方 雪郎
棟方 雪郎
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