<報文>熔融金屬及び合金の粘性に關する研究(第1報) : Pb-Sn, Pb-Bi及びZn-Sn系合金の組成と粘性係數の關係
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It was recognized that the viscosity coefficient of molten metals and alloys could be measured properly by a torsional oscillation method. The present authors modified Thielmann and Wimmer's experimental formula such as, [numerical formula]where, λ : logarithmic decrement in damped oscillation of molten alloy, λ_0 : ditto of solid alloy, ρ : density of alloy at measuring temperature, η : viscosity coefficient at measuring temperature, k_1,k_2 and k_3 : constants dependent on the apparatus, χ : correction for volume of alloy, when the volume is more than 30 cm^3 it takes (+), and less than 30 cm^3 (-). The viscosity coefficient of molten Pb-Sn alloys decreases with the increase in Sn content at constant temperature experimented (250°〜600℃), while in Pb-Bi system, that of molten Pb considerably decreases with a slight addition of Bi and that of Bi side alloys shows little change due to their composition. The viscosity coefficient of molten Zn-Sn alloys at constant temperature abruptly decreases with a slight addition of Sn and then gradually decreases with the increase in Sn content.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1955-03-31
佐藤 知雄
佐藤 知雄
棟方 雪郎
棟方 雪郎
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