木地屋管見 : 技術的民族誌への一つの試み
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Kijiya is a traditional craftsman who makes bowls and cups of wood with a lathe. They believe themselves to be descendants of a noble blood (Prince Ono-no-miya Koretaka-shinno). Their camp consists of from 3 to 5 families. They erect their primitive working-hut in the mountains, where they make their wooden products. They make their living by exchanging their own products with the agricultural products of peasants in the area. They lead a nomadic life, because they have to remove their residence as soon as big trees suitable for making their products have become scarce around their residence. Their family is patrilineal, their marriage patrilocal. In ordinary relations, however, they make no distinction between their matrilineal and patrilineal kinsmen. Members of both sexes are trained in their traditional craftsmanship since childhood. Women as well as men use a handaxe, and it is especially a wife's duty to turn a lathe. As they believed in olden days that the technique of lathe turning was too difficult for girls not belonging to their professional group to master, young men never thought of marrying such girls. Thus they tended to be endogamous. Group-consciousness and integrity are very strong among them, and they feel that ordinary peasants and various craftsmen other than kijiya belong to different status or caste than theirs. They also cherish a belief in their own god. About 50 years ago they suffered a drastic change in their way of life, and many of them have settled down and chosen to live as peasants since then. But those people who decided to continue their traditional way of life employed a water-wheel as a means for turning their lathe. This adoption of new power has enabled them to produce much more products than before. Inasmuch as the help of wives was no longer necessary for turning a lathe, they were now in a position to devote themselves wholly to domestic affairs and childrearing. Gradually the kijiya entered into close relationships with their neighboring people. Some of them began to think about marriage with outside peoples. In a village, however, where we undertook our field research, we observed their age-old endogamous custom still prevalent, atleast up to very recent years. This custom continues not so much, we suppose, because of any strong group cohesion as because of a great gap existing between them and their neighbours in marriage customs and value attitudes in general. For example young people of kijiya are accustomed to obey their parents' will when choosing their partners, whereas their peasant neighbours choose wives indepeneent of their parents' will.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1961-03-20
- 「住居」 : 民族学における物質文化の諸問題 : シンポジウム : 日本民族学会第8回研究大会要旨
- 民研論争の頃(岡正雄教授追悼)
- 橋本鉄男著, 『ものと人間の文化史31 ろくろ』, 1979, 財団法人法政大学出版局, 444頁, 1,800円
- 南西諸島の籠細工について : 研究発表 : 日本民族学会第8回研究大会要旨
- 住居の展開 : 「住居」 : 民族学における物質文化の諸問題 : シンポジウム : 日本民族学会第8回研究大会要旨
- 「栽培民文化と稲作の起源」 : シンポジウム II : 日本民族学会第7回研究大会報告要旨
- 木地屋 : その技術とくらし
- 藤箕について : 日本民族学会第6回研究大会報告要旨 その1
- 吉川金次, 日本の鋸, 著者刊, 1966年12月, 278頁, 定価1,300円
- 養蚕と技術革新 : 日本民族学会第4回・第5回研究大会報告要旨 (日本)
- 木鉢の技法(第 2 回研究大会)(第 1, 2 回民協研究大会報告要旨)
- 高倉(第 1 回研究大会)(第 1, 2 回民協研究大会報告要旨)
- 籠細工その技術および生産の伝統と変化(資料と通信)
- サス造りについて
- 瀬川清子, 『しきたりの中の女』, 東京, 三彩社, 1961, 213pp, 280 円
- 『日本民族学大系 : 第 6 巻 生活と民俗 (1)』, 東京, 平凡社, 1958, 396pp., 580 円
- 木地屋管見 : 技術的民族誌への一つの試み
- 木地屋管見--技術的民族誌への一つの試み
- なまはげ覺書 : 日本列島における祭祀的秘密結社について(沙流アイヌの共同調査報告)(金田一京介博士古稀記念)