西部ニューギニア原住民の社會組織 : 特に部族の構造について
- 論文の詳細を見る
On the basis of his eight months' field-work in 1943, covering the Schouten Islands, the southern coast of the Geelvink Bay, and the isthmus region west of the Vogelkop Peninsula, the author confirms the existence of separate, cohesive tribes in this area. The number of tribes surveyed amounts to twelve. The "tribe" as observed here seems to be the product of an accumulation of certain spcific social and cultural features. These are : a consciousness of kind, a common name, common dialect, intermarriage, and communal ceremonies. Full tribal status requires the presence of all of these features, in interaction. But the tribe does not always remain stable. Several factors, e.g., distance, produce changes in the social and cultural features noted above, such changes resulting in less harmonious relationships between and within dialect groups, intermarrying sets, ceremonial groups, etc. Such developments lead not infrequently to the formation of a new tribe through the split of an original tribe, or the fusion of several. Nevertheless each tribe is generally a distinct, sociopolitical unit, clearly distinguishable from others.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- V 総括と補足(社会調査 : 座談会)
- IV CIE における社会調査の展開(社会調査 : 座談会)
- III 戰後の日本における社会調査の傾向(社会調査 : 座談会)
- II 単独調査の経験(社会調査 : 座談会)
- I 我が国における社会調査の沿革(社会調査 : 座談会)
- 人類学専攻大学院に関する座談会
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- 今西錦司・梅棹忠夫(編), アフリカ社会の研究, 東京, 西村書店, 1968, 439頁, 15,000円
- 芹沢長介, 『石器時代の日本』, 東京, 築地書館, 1960, 本文 246 p., 図版 125, 挿図 81, 折りこみ図 1, 図版および挿図解説 41 p.
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- 西部ニューギニア原住民の社會組織 : 特に部族の構造について
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