教育・臨床の実践と発達研究の課題 : 発達保障論と精神分析学の検討
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This paper discusses the several researches in human development for the purpose of clinical practice. I have emphasized specific difference between developmental psychology and clinical psychology among many viwpoints or many theories. At first, I here summarized about the theory of hierarchies and stages on the reversible operations in human development(developmental theory in so-called "Hattatsuhoshoron"), which is our valuable foretune established in our country. As compared with other developmental theories, it is better than other's. For example, I put it above Piaget's as a developmental theory. But, I have raised a few questions about the theory. Secondly, I presented some developmental theories of modern psychoanalysis. They are ego psychology, such as E.H.Erikson's, A.Freud's and object relation theory, such as M.Klein's, D.W.Winnicott's. They all emphasis about ego development and objectrelation from infancy in human development. Thirdly, I presented the new trend of psychoanalysis called"Infant psychiatry". It is necessary that we learn those different theories for the purpose of better prectice in education or clinical psychology.
- 心理科学研究会の論文
- 1992-05-31
- 登校拒否・家庭内暴力・働くということ : 症例 M を通しての臨床青年心理学的考察
- 臨床青年心理学研究 (III) : 男子症例に関する考察
- 臨床青年心理学序説
- 臨床青年心理学研究 (VI) : 7 年間にわたった登校拒否と家庭内暴力を克服した青年
- 教育・臨床の実践と発達研究の課題 : 発達保障論と精神分析学の検討
- 少年期における臨床的問題と人格発達(人格発達の危機)
- さいごに(平和に関するミニシンポ)
- 討論(平和に関するミニシンポ)
- はじめに(平和に関するミニシンポ)
- "問題をもつ少女ゆき子"とその家族そしてその地域(名古屋市南部住民の生活史と子どもたちの発達について)
- 自閉症児の発達と治療教育 (自閉症の治療と教育)
- 臨床青年心理学研究(X) : 青年期治療の内的視点