盛岡市近郊の混交林における繁殖鳥類群集の 27 年間の変化
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A breeding bird community in a mixed forest (28ha) in a suburb of Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan, was investigated for 27 years between 1970 and 1996 by the territory mapping method. No significant difference was found in breeding pair density during the period, while a slight decrease was found in the number of breeding species. Composition of the bird community changed significantly during the period. Among the residents, Parus group densities increased mainly with the improvement of nest box instalation techniques. Picidae group densities increased in response to an increase of dead trees. Corvus group densities increased in accordance with an increase of human visitors in the study area. Mid-sized, short-distant migrants (Streptopelia orientalis, Hypsipetes amautotis, etc.) notably decreased due to an invasion of Accipiter gentilis and an increase in nest attacks by crows. Small sized species (Zosterops japonica and Carduelis sinica) increased without known reasons. Among the summer visitors, although most species decreased in accordance with the other areas of Japan, densities of Ficedura narcissina and Cettia squameiceps increased. A decrease in overwintering habitat in South-East Asia due to logging or other developmental actions may be a cause of the general decrease in the summer visitors.
- 1997-08-25
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- 盛岡市近郊の混交林における繁殖鳥類群集の 27 年間の変化
- Part II. 森林における長期の個体群研究と保全生態学 森林性鳥類群集の構造と生態系の保全
- 南八甲田地域のクマゲラの行動圏とその植生構造
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- 12) 白神山地森林生態系保護地域の鳥類 : 長期モニタリング調査地の繁殖群集(一般発表(ポスター), 野生生物保護学会第 5 回大会講演要旨)
- 白神山地におけるクマゲラ繁殖地の環境
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- 白神山地暗門野生動物モニタリング調査地の繁殖鳥類群集
- テーマ別セッション「東北地方の野生鳥獣の保全と森林管理」を終えて(東北地方の野生鳥獣の保全と森林管理)
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- 滝沢鳥獣試験地(岩手県滝沢村)における繁殖鳥類群集の40年間(1970-2009)の記録
- 柳沢鳥獣調査地の繁殖期の鳥類群集(IV) : 樹洞営巣性鳥類への巣箱設置の効果
- 岩手県におけるアカゲラの生息密度と森林タイプの関係
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