- 論文の詳細を見る
1 Because of the agro-climatic analogues, particularly occasional prevalence of cool weather during summer, between Tohoku region and Hokkaido, it has been surmised that the tapetal hypertropy as a cause of unfruitfulness would occur in rice varieties of Tohoku region since its first discovery in rice varieties of Hokkaido in 1941. 2. In August, 1949, the auther found the tapetal hypertropies in three rice varieties of Tohoku region in the paddy field irrigated. with cool water at the Fujisaka Rice Breeding Station, Aomori-Ken. The degree of their occurence was different among those three varieties. 3. In 1950, plants of several rice varieties of Tohoku region were grown in pots under 8 hrs.- short-day condition at the Hokkaido Agr. Exp. Stat. at Kotoni and when they grew to the flattleaf stage sonl.e of them were treated with the low temperature for 4.8 hrs. by keeping them in the ice safe maintaind at aboctt 12'c.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1954-10-10