- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Cytological studies on tbe sterility of rice plants irrigated with cool water have been conductcd in Kamikawa Rice Breeding Inttitute of Hokkaido Agricultural Experiment Station during these two years in order to make clear the cause of their sterilities. 2. Sterilities were far more higher in the treated plants than those in normai conditions, and abnormalities found to occur in their pollen formation were to follow: 3. The rate of microsporogenetic development was significantly retarded in the treated plants which possibly being the cause effecting in inmature pollen at the anthesis. 4. Various abnormalities in the behavior of pollen mother-cells were also found. i. e. asynapsis, lagging and non-orientation of dividing chromosomes, failure of meiotic cytokinesis, and the abnormal hypertropy of tapetal cells. 5. Such abnormalities appeared to be of the same nature to those occuring under low air-temperatures as having been detdcted in our laboratory.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1949-10-30
- 70 登熟期に補光した環境における寒地稲の子実生産
- 99 寒地稲の出穂日からみた登熟性 : 外観による米粒の成熟状態
- 8. 寒地稲の登熟機構に関する研究 : 第1報 温度と穂重、桿重の変化(I 年次講演会要旨)
- 41. 寒地稲の収量規制要因に関する研究(予報) : 低温年における収量とその規制要因の関係
- 北海道北部における水稲の収量構成について : 近年の生育実態より (第144回講演会)
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- 東北地方のイネ品種に見出されたタペート肥大について
- イネのラムシュ育種法に関する二三の知見
- 冷水によるイネ不稔性の細胞學的機作
- 寒地稲の光合成能力に関する研究(予報)(昭和44年度談話会年次講演会講演要旨,昭和44年度年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)
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