小麦ライ麦間におけるamphidiploid型作物の育成に関する遺伝学的及び細胞学的研究 : VI.A. T.compactum × S.cereale F_2 植物のPMC成熟分裂
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In t.he present report, some results of cyto10gical studies on the maturation divison of PMCs of F_2 plants raised between T. compactunm and S. cereale (TCSF2) w.hose chromosomes are 2 n=47, 48, 54 and 55 were described. These TcSF2 plants were obtained in 1943. 2. The group having 2 n=47 chomosomes : At the heterotypic tnetaphase in PMC-s of one plant (TcSF_2-9) of this group, were observed 15-23 bivalents, or l-17 univalents. The frequency of bivalents in the PMC-s was shown in Table I and the case of 19 appeared to be the mode. The nuclear plate showing 43JI +81 = 94 chromosomes was observed at the heterotypic metaphase of PMC (Fig. 6). This case ought to be due to the duplication of the chromosomes of ABD genomes of, T. compactum and R genome of S. cereale. 3. The group having 2 n=48 chromosomes : At the heterotypic metaphase in PMC-s of one plant (TcSFa-8) of this group were observed 17-20 bivalents or 2-14 univalents. The frequency of bivalents in the PMC-s was shown in Table 2 aiid the case of 19 appeared to be the mode. The tetravalents were sometimes obsetved in addition .to bivalents at the heterotypic metaphase but no trivalents was found.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1954-05-15
- ライ麦種間雑種の細胞遺伝学的研究 : II.S.cerealeとVarilovii, africanumおよびmontanumとのF_1のPMCにおける成熟分裂
- Triticum compactumとSecale 3種との雑種F_1の細胞遺伝学的研究
- 2n=27染色体を持つライおよびその次代植物
- 2n=19染色体を持つライ
- ライ麦種間雑種の細胞遺伝学的研究 : I.交配成績およびF_1の外部形質
- Colchicine処理によって得たAutotetraploid rye
- 小麦ライ麦間におけるamphidiploid型作物の育成に関する遺伝学的及び細胞学的研究 : VI.B. T.compactum × S.cereale F_2 植物(2n=56及び58)の花粉母細胞成熟分裂
- 小麦ライ麦間におけるamphidiploid型作物の育成に関する遺伝学的及び細胞学的研究 : VI.A. T.compactum × S.cereale F_2 植物のPMC成熟分裂
- Secale属植物3種の染色体
- 小麦ライ麦間におけるamphidiploid型作物の育成に関する遺伝学的及び細胞学的研究 : IV.リベット小麦(T.turgidum n=14)とライ麦(S.cereale n=7)との間に生ぜるF_2植物の稔性,種子の発芽性およびF_3植物の外部形質および体細胞染色体