Haynaldia と Secale との間における属間雑種の細胞遺伝学的研究 : IV. Secale fragile×Haynaldia villosa F2植物の外部諸形質および花粉母細胞成熟分裂
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In the present research, the germination of F2 seeds, the external characteristics, somatic chromosomes and the meiosis in PMCs of Secale fragile×Haynaldia villosa F2 plants (SfHvF2) were studied.2. The percentage of matured F2 plants for the number of the seed sown was 77.5.3. In 31 out of 32 F2 plants, the somatic number of chromosomes was 28, which corresponded to the eu-amphidiploid number of S. fragile×H. villosa hybrid, while the number of somatic chromosomes of the remaining F2 plant was 21. It was thought that this was raised from SfHvF1 naturally crossed with Secale africanum growing around it. But some days after, a specimen of that plant was cut for research (later it died during the winter). There for the formula of genomes of those 31 F2 plants which showed an eu-amphidiploid number of chromosomes ought to be RfRfVV.4. Almost all the external characteristics of F2 plants, excepting the number of tillering, closely resembled those of the parental plant (F1) and in almost every characteristic there was little variation (Table 1). Regarding the number of tillerings of the F2 plants, they were much fewer than those of the parental plant (F1).5. In 31 out of 32 SfHvF2 hybrids, excepting the one which died, the gametic number of chromosomes in PMCs was 28 as the 2n number and this number corresponds exactly to twice the sum of the gametic number of the parents, viz., 2(7+7)=28. In other words, this is an eu-amphidiploid number.The number of bivalents found in one PMC at IM was 0-8 in two plants, 0-9 in 6, 0-10 in 6 and 0-11 in the other 17 respectively. The frequency of bivalents in one PMC at IM is shown in Table 2. As regards individual plants, the mode of occurrence of bivalents was found to have the value 5 in 14 plants, and 6 for the next 16, and 7 for the remaining one. The average value of the bivalents, according to the individual plants, varied from 3.9 to 6.8 (Table 2). The 31 SfHvF2 plants of which the meiosis of PMCs was studied is amphidiploid of SfHv hybrid, so the constitution of the genomes of these plants ought to be RfRfVV.
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