Analysis of the Reaction Force of a Bunch of Rice Stalks Undergoing Forced Displacement
- 論文の詳細を見る
The analytical method for the reaction force of crop stalks undergoing forced displacement, which has been verfied for a bunch of wheat stalks, was applied to analysis of a bunch of rice stalks. The reaction forces of the rice stalk's bunches with various initial shapes were analyzed, and the accuracy was assessed by experimental results. The analytical results involved a certain amount of error, depending on the accuracy of the simulated initial shape, but were reasonably close. It was demonstrated that the reaction force according to the initial shape could be predicted utilizing the previous analytical method in the case of the bunch of rice talks as well.
- 九州大学の論文
Hirai Yasumaru
Laboratory Of Bioproduction And Environment Information Sciences Division Of Bioproduction And Envir
Inoue Eiji
Laboratory of Bioproduction and Environment Information Sciences,Division of Bioproduction and Envir
Fukushima Takashi
Laboratory of Food Chemistry,Division of Applied Biological Chmistry,Department of Bioscience and Bi
Inoue Eiji
Laboratory Of Bioproduction And Environment Information Sciences Diivision Of Bioproduction And Envi
Inoue Eiji
Laboratory Of Bioproduction And Environment Information Sciences Division Of Bioproduction And Envir
Fukushima Takashi
Laboratory Of Food Chemistry Division Of Applied Biological Chmistry Department Of Bioscience And Bi
Inoue Eiji
Laboratory of Agricultural machinery, Faculity of Agriculture, Kyushu University
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