- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-01-25
渡邊 邦秋
渡邊 邦秋
Department Of Biology Graduate School Of Science Kobe University
Watanabe Kuniaki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Watanebe Kuniaki
Department Of Biology Faculity Of Science Kobe University
- セッピコテンナンショウ(サトイモ科)の再検討
- ブラキコーム・リニアリローバ : 自然集団の細胞学的構造と動態について
- キク科植物の系統と進化(種生物学研究20号記念特集)
- 日本列島における遺伝系の進化と細胞地理学 : 2〜3のキク科植物を例にして
- Chromosomal Location and Reorganization of the 45S and 5S rDNA in the Brachyscome Iineariloba Complex(Asteraceae)
- Phylogeny and Phytogeography of Eupatorium(Eupatorieae, Asteraceae):Insights from Sequence Data of the nrDNA ITS Regions and cpDNA RFPL
- Distribution of Sexual and Agamospermous Populations of Eupatorium (Compositae) in Asia
- Distinction in Morphology and Esterase Isozyme between Eupatorium glehni(=E.chinense subsp.sachalinense)and E.chinense var.oppositifolium(Compositae)
- Extensive Gene Duplications in Diploid Eupatorium (Asteraceae)
- New and Further Chromosome Number Determinations in Japanese Arisaema (Araceae)
- Arisaema inaense and A. nagiense, Two Diploid Species of the A. ovale Group (Araceae)
- Two New Putative Natural Hybrids in Japanese Arisaema (Araceae)
- Taxonomic Revision of the Arisaema undulatifolium Group (Araceae)
- Cytology and Systematics in Japanese Arisaema(Araceae)
- Phylogenetic Relationships of Japanese Aster(Asteraceae, Astereae)sensu lato Based on Chloroplast-DNA Restriction Site Mutations
- A Chloroplast-DNA Phylogeny of Kalimeris and Aster, with Reference to the Generic Circumscription
- ヒヨドリバナ属植物の細胞地理
- Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, New Combinations
- Molecular Phylogeny of Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) Estimated from cpDNA RFLP and its Implication for the Polyploid Origin Hypothesis of the Tribe
- Chromosome number determinations in the Australian Astereae (Asteraceae)
- Chromosomal Evolution in the Genus Brachyscome (Asteraceae, Astereae):Statistical Tests Regarding Correlation Between Changes in Karyotype and Habit Using Phylogenetic Infomation
- Mexican species of the genus Stevia (Eupatorieae, Asteraceae) : Chromosome numbers and geographical distribution
- Very Low Genetic Heterozygosities in Sexual and Agamospermous Populations of Eupatorium altissimum (Asteraceae)
- Chromosomal and molecular evolution in Brachyscome (Astereae)
- Natural Hybrid Populations between Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous Species, Ainsliaea faurieana and A. apiculata (Asteraceae; Mutisiae) : Morphology, Cytology, Reproductive Mode and Allozyme Variation
- Distribution and variation of sexual and agamospermous populations of Stevia (Asteraceae : Eupatorieae) in the lower latitudes, Mexico