- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, "International Green Marketing by a Commercial Capitalist," we ask questions as follows: What is a commercial capitalist's real character? How shall the character be changed by another change from hard gap to soft gap through another change of the industrial structure resulted from IT (Information Technology) revolution, globalization and the change of the Earth environment, particularly climate change, global warming effect? The commercial capitalist's real character is his/her profit-oriented mind based on a capital circulation, Money→Commodity→Money' related with the first important thing, commodity value in exchange and the added thing, commodity value in use. Such a character becomes the stronger in the commodity market becoming the more open, where there is a value gap between his/her mother country (or community or region) and his/her advancing one. The charcter is shown typically in America which has a pioner spirit to open new market, very short history and many MNC (Multi National Corporation) to inspire globalization spirit. But the character becomes the weaker in the market which is the more closed such as Japanese market, particularlly the Edo era stopping the commodity trade based on the national isolation policy resulted in the circulation-oriented society. In order to shift the character from this American-type environmentally unfriendly capital to Japanes-type circulation-oriented one, Japanese Administration should carry out a protective trade policy instead of a free one and green circulation-oriented policy, e.g. green tax,Tobin tax, R&D and international exchange of ecological technique and green meme (mime + gene), and information education to bridge between developed country and less developed one, Business ahould do green prosumerism-oriented marketing with Value Chain in Value System in LC (Life Cycle) including not only an artery <Production-Distribution- Consumption> but also an vein <waste-wasteoutwashing-recycle> and Consumer or Citizen shoud do green prosumerism to regain nature full community, particularlly the community including organic agriculture village, supported by International Green-Money (eco-money) developing the movement from Green Consumerism to Green Prosumerism. Green Prosumerism means the movement that consumers (→ end users) take part in production process. When the commercial capitalist support international or inter-community or inter-people prosumerism and fair trade to exchange appropriate value in exchanege with value in use and intermediate ecological technique information between the different people in different countries by IT, he/she can have the first step to the green community.
- 2003-03-25
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