高等学校家庭科技術検定用教材(被服)に関する実験的考察(第1報) : 教材縫製時の縫製工程分析・所要時間分析
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The technical test system are taken in homemaking education for senior high school girls and are said to be effective for the leveling up of sewing skills. The test must be made not only for the inspection of the total training acquired but also for the scientific analysis of the sewing procedures of the teaching materials. So the working procedures and the needed time for the work was carried out and the suitability of the above mentioned sewing items was reexamined. The findings are as follows: l. The ratio of the length of the main work is 1:2 for the 1st and 2nd grades, respectively. 2. In regard to the time needed for each working element, the greater part of the time is naturally spent on handsewing and machine sewing in every grade. 3. The sequence of sewing procedures is the same for each subject in the 2nd grade. But some of them started from the sleeves in the 1st grade certification.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1990-04-16
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