フェノール性酸施用によるゴボウ連作障害の軽減 : 陸稲輪作による連作障害軽減効果の機作に関する研究(第5報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Some symptoms of the continuous cropping injury of edible burdock were studied. The inhibiting of germination and damping-off were observed at the seedling stage. In the growth stage, leaf width, plant height and root length became abnormal. Furthermore, roots were deformed and black spots appear on the root surfaces. 2) Effective levels of phenolic acids for improvement of continuous cropping injury of edible burdock were 1 000 mg L^<-1> of p-coumaric acid, 1 000 mg L^<-1> and 10 000 mg L^<-1> of ferulic acid, and 1 000 mg L^<-1> of p-hydroxybenzoic acid. The effects of vanillic acid and benzoic acid were not significant. 3) The concentrations of each phenolic acid which inhibited the edible burdock root growth were as follows : coumaric acid, above 25 mg L^<-1> ; ferulic acid, above 200 mg L^<-1> ; p-hydroxybenzoic acid, above 75 mg L^<-1> ; vanillic acid, above 75 mg L^<-1> ; and benzoic acid, above 5 mg L^<-1>. 4) After application of 1 000 mg L^<-1> p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid to fields of edible burdock where continuous cropping occurs, these symptoms decreased and crop growth was improved. However, plant growth was less than the first cropping.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1997-04-05
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