葉面施肥に関する研究(第1報) : P^<32>の葉面よりの吸収に就いて(1)
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As a basic experiment about foliage dressing of phosphoric acid, authors have traced radioactive isomer P^<32> which was applied on leaves of Helianthus annuus L.such plants were employed as their top flowers just began to bloom.Four leaves of each plant were applied ca.1/10 M KH_2PO_4 aq.which contained 0.178 microcurie of P^<32> per one mililiter.To wet the foliage epidermis with aqueous solution, a wetting agent (made of ethylester and monoglyceride of coconut fatty acid) was used in a strength of 0.5%. Samples were taken at 28,53.5,102.5,and 127.5 hrs.after the application respectively.Each of them was dried at 90-100℃, ashed at 500-600℃ and then disolved in conc.HCl.The solution was evaporated under the light of infrared lamp, and the residue was examined of its radioactivity by means of Geiger-Muller counter. In thes experiment authors have clarified that radioactive phosphorus easily entered the plant through foliage epidermis and then migrated throughout the plant.Growing parts of the plant, for example, blooming flower or flower-bud were seemed especially to accumulate radioactive phosphorus.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1952-03-30
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