- 論文の詳細を見る
To advance the efficiency of water usage in irrigation practice, it is necessary to determine the depth of soil from which the crop withdraws most of its water. In the present paper a study of water use by the upland rice, sweet potato and soybean crop was reported. Namely, the pattern of moisture extraction under these crops was traced up by using gypsum blocks and tentiometers installed to a depth of 50 cm in the field. The movable shed was used to protect the crop from rain so that the whole water supply was under control, and the plots designated as wet were irrigated whenever the soil moisture tension at l0 cm depths rose to about 2 atm., and the plots. designated as dry were irrigated when upland rice showed some signs of wilting. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The consumptive use of upland rice were consistently highest, followed by soybean and sweet potato, and the peak use rate per day of these crops was 7, 6 and 6 mm, respectively. Although under upland rice nearly all of the moisture was extracted from the first 15 cm of soil, under sweet potato less amount of water was depleted from this depth and relatively more moisture was lost from the 15-30 cm depth than under upland rice. 2. The extraction pattens for a crop differ materially throughout the growing season. Noticeable variations in extraction pattern also result from the soil moisture content. There was an increase in the rate of extraction from the deeper depth (40〜50 cm) when about fifty per cent of available moisture in the shallow depths had been exhausted. Judging from this fact, it seems that in this soil (volcanic ash soil, clay loam) when about fifty per cent of available moisture is exhausted it becomes vary difficult for crops to absorb the water. 3. After the irrigation, water was again removed more from the surface and by far the greatest amounts of water lost from the first 30 cm of soil under both irrigation conditions. But although progressively less amounts were lost from deeper depth under the "dry" condition, relatively more moisture was used from the middle (about 10〜20 cm) depths of soil under the frequent irrigation treatments.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-09-01
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第3報 深耕畑における多収栽培について (第129回 講演会)
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- 78 水稲の出穂性に関する研究 : 第11報 播種時から高温・短日処理した場合の出穂まで日数と幼穂分化期について
- 1 作物の葉温について : 葉色の変化と葉-気温差
- 104. 作物の葉温について : 異なる土壌水分下での葉温と光合成速度
- 103. 作物の葉温について : 葉温とCGR・RGR・NAR
- 59. 水稲の出穂性に関する研究 : 第10報 高温短日条件下における超多収水稲の播種時から出穂までの最小日数について
- 71 水稲の出穂性に関する研究 : 第9報 好適温度の短日条件下における播種時から出穂までの日数と幼穂分化期について
- 36 作物の葉温について : 葉温と葉色
- 35 作物の葉温について : 異なる土壌水分下での葉温2
- 35 水稲の出穂性に関する研究 : 第8報 好適温度の短日条件下における播種時から出穂までの最少日数と低温長日条件下における出穂反応の品種間差異について
- 20 作物の葉温について : マルチ栽培下での葉温
- 19 作物の葉温について : 異なる土壌水分下での葉温
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- 灌漑時期が大麦・小麦の生育収量に及ぼす影響について
- 畑地灌漑に関する研究 : (第3報) 甘藷の灌漑時期及び水量試験 (第102回講演会)
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- 28.葉面積を決定する方法の統計學的研究と,それを用ゐたる隱元豆の葉面積と收量との關係に就て ((D)作物一般に關するもの)
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