麦類の冠水害に関する研究 : 第IV報 裸麦における出穗期冠水の被害様相
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This experiment was carried out in 1957 to clear the mechanism of submerging injury to naked barley on heading stage. The variety used was Akashinriki, and four plots were designed basing on the submerging duration under clear water, i.e., 0 (control), 8, 16 and 24 hours plots. The results of the experiment were summarized as follows : The relative yields of grain per plant in submerged plots were 52.7, 19.8 and 23.4%, respectively, to control. The lowering of products above-mentioned was due to both of occurrence of sterile spikelet and decrease in number of heads per plant. The former was caused by the failures of anther dehiscence and pollination, sterilizing of pollen and non-functioning of female organ. The latter was caused by the decaying of head after the interruption of internode elongation in parent stalk and early appeared tillerings.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1957-12-20
- 22. イネの雑草害に関する研究 : 第1報 イネの生育, 収穫, 生態条件に対するヒエ発生数の影響
- 36. イネ稚苗に対する数種除草剤の薬害条件
- 20. 除草剤の土壌中における行動 : 第3報 2,3の吸着条件
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- 除草剤の土壌中における行動 : 第1報 土壌の種類と除草剤の作用力
- 除草剤の作用力の温度による変動
- 裏作雑草ヤエムグラの生態とその防除に関する一考察
- 68. 暖地型牧草地におけるチドメグサ属雑草の生態と防除 : 2. ノチドメの生態的諸特性と防除法
- 67. 暖地型牧草地におけるチドメグサ属雑草の生態と防除 : 1. 分布・生育過程・雑草害
- 除草剤,主としてprometryneの作用力の温度による変動要因の一考察