パール・ミレットに関する研究 : 第2報 菜種に就いて
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The author has studied on the seed production of the pearl-millet. 2. When the pearl-millet is planted at the end of July, the seed is produced after 3 months. 3. Hull seed weight per 1 tan is 700kg. The period from transplanting till seed production is short and seed yield is good and managing is easy, so it is favourable forage plant. 4. The ear size of the early ripening plants is greater and longer than that of the late ones. 5. The latest time of soiling for the purpose of seed production on soiling field When the seed is produced is early September. 6. Weight of unhulled seed one Sho (1.8L) is commonly 320-450g and per one ear is 6.0-18.0g.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-12-20
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