コムギにおけるバーナリゼーションの生理学的研究 : 第3報, 茎葉部生長点の直接低温感応と間接低温感応
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The present study is concerned with the requirement of low temperature for the vernalization of apical and lateral buds. The in-vitro-culture method was used to ascertain the vernalized condition of the excised buds. The results obtained are summarised below. 1) The excised bud consisted of shoot apex and two or three primordia placed on the agar medium containing glucose and minerals, can be vernalized by low temperature. The retention of vernalized condition in excised stem tips of vernalized plants has been reported earlier. Considering this together with the present finding, it may be concluded that the vernalized condition in the buds is attained by the response of the apical tisshe itself to low temperature. 2) Regardless of the temperature condition during the initiation and development of the lateral buds, they are found to be in vernalized condition, if the seed has been treated by low temperature. This may be called as indirect induction in buds by low temperature.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1961-10-01
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