大麦の下部不稔に関する研究 : V 止葉出葉始期窒素追肥と生理作用の変化について
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The present paper reports the results obtained from our observation of growing process of lower spikelets of var. Yukiwarimugi cultivated at upland field, both when nitrogen fertilizer is and is not top-dressed and from our examination of the change in physiological functions in case of top-dressing of the fertilizer. 1) In a group of dressing plots, flag-leaf at the heading time shows remarkable increase both in their fresh weight and dry weight; the chlorophyll contents also increase. And in that case osmotic pressure of flag-leaf sheath is comparatively high, and amount of bleeding sap examined at pedunde indreass. 2) So far as non-top-dressing plots are concerned, Qo_2 value of spikelets at the lower part of the ear is lower than that of spikelets at the middle part of the ear; whereas in top-dressing plots Qo_2 value is higher with the lower spikelets. The similar tendency is seen in flag-leaves. 3) The activity of dehydrogenase, in non-top-dressing plots, is degenerate in lower spikelets than in spikelets in the middle part of the ear, whereas in top-dressing plots, their activity in the former is promotive. The results of T. T. C. reaction indicates the similar tendency. 4) The activity of ascorbic-acid-oxidase is lower with the lower spikelets than with spikelets at the middle part of the ear. 5) After the flag-leaf has been fully opened, nitrogen and carbohydrate content in the flag-leaf, in spikelets at the middle and the lower parts of the ear, the top-internode and in the flag-leaf node, are higher with the top-dressing plots than the non-top-dressing plots. 6) The ratio of sugar content in those parts of the ear and the top-internode mentioned in 5) to sugar content in a flag-leaf, is smaller in the top-dressing plots than the other, especially in the group of spikelets in the lower part of the ear. In other words, in the top-dressing plots, the sugar concentration gradient between the lower part of an ear and the flag-leaf increases. 7) The C/N ratio of the spikelets, in the top-dressing plots, is seen to be lower than in the non-top-dressing plots. This is presumably because the enzyme activity and respiration being promoted by top-dressing, and thus the carbohydrates being actively utilized. This seems to make the gradient in sugar concentration larger, and probably promote the translocation of carbohydrate from flag-leaf to ear. Judging from the above results, physiological activity in the lower spikelets is promoted by the top-dressing and thus accelerates the growing of the spikelets that is apt to degenerate. It is consequently presumed that this fact enables the normal ripening of spikelets, in other words ensure the efficienty translocation from the flag-leaf to the lower parts of the ear.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-01-01
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