牧草の混播に関する研究 : III. 種子の定着におよぼす播種法と土壤水分の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
In a mixture of some pasture plants, it was observed that the number of established seedlings was less than expected theoretically from numbers of seeds and their germination percentage (Table 2), especially legumes showed much difference (Table 1). The experiments were conducted in order to make clear the causes of this phenomenon and obtained following results. 1. Effect of soil covering treatment upon the seeds of two grasses and three legumes was examined with pots in a green house. The water level was regulated so that the soil moisture content may be kept at about 100% (plot A), 110% (plot B) and 120% (plot C) of maximum soil water capacity (Fig. 1). The effect of soil covering was distinct at plot A, but no effect was found at plot C which contained high soil moisture (Table 3). In the case of alfalfa, however, the effect of soil covering was remarkable even at plot C, and extremely poor establishment was observed at non soil-covering plot. On the contrary, Italian ryegrass was not influenced by soil covering and red clover, ladino clover and orchard grass showed intermediate. It was observed that under non soil-covering condition the seeds could not put their roots into the soil, although they could germinate. When the clear vinyl sheet was covered over the plot, establishment was well even in alfalfa sown under non soil covering condition. From the above test, it was considered that air humidity might be closely related to the establishment. 2. Effects of soil covering and soil packing on an establishment were studied under the fields condition. From the result of this examination (Table 4, 5, 6, 7), it was cleared that grasses (orchard grass, Italian ryegrass) were not influenced by soil covering, while legumes (ladino clover, red clover, alfalfa) were significantly affected. Soil covering did not affect on the establishment of grass on the field in spite of the remarkable influence in green house. It was supposed that above difference was because the field test was conducted under high air humidity (Fig. 2). Effect of soil packing upon each species was not found owing to no difference in soil moisture content between soil packing plot and non soil-packing plot, because of high precipitation during this experiment (6 mm per day). It was supposed, however, that the soil packing may have the effect under the case of low precipitation from the view point of soil moisture trend at Fig. 3. 3. It is necessary to cover the seeds with soil, because soil covering promotes not only their establishments but also their subsequent growth. Especially, legumes (alfalfa, red clover and ladino clover) need soil covering treatment, because of their impossibility to establish under low humidity condition.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1958-10-01
- 15.夏期における牧草畑の微気象 : II.気温,湿度などの日変化およびOrchard-grass,Ladino cloverの水分消費量にいつて(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 14.夏期における牧草畑の微気象 : I.灌水,混播および刈取りによる地温の変化について(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 夏季における牧草畑の微気象 : I. 灌水, 混播及び刈取りによる地温の変化について : II. 気温, 湿度の日変化及び Orchard grass, ladino clover の蒸発散位について
- 土壌の種類による牧草生育の差異
- 牧草根の機能に関する研究 : II. オーチャードグラスのsod-bound形成におよぼす刈取りの影響
- 牧草根の機能に関する研究 : I. オーチャードグラスの地上部および地下部の生育におよぼす刈取の影響 (第123回 講演会)
- 牧草の夏がれ防止に関する研究 : 1. 高温が牧草の光合成及び呼吸作用に及ぼす影響
- 牧草の混播に関する研究 : III. 種子の定着におよぼす播種法と土壤水分の影響
- 24.牧草の混播に関する研究 : VI 混播草地に対するカリ用量試験(日本草地研究会第5回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 23.牧草の混播に関する研究 : V ライグラス,レッドクロバー,アルファルファの混播効果について(日本草地研究会第5回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 55.オーチャードグラス,ラジノクローバーの単播と混播の比較(日本草地研究会第4回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 牧草の混播に関する研究 : IV. オーチャードグラス, ラジノクローバーの単播と混播の比較
- 32.牧草の混播に関する研究 : I.単播の場合の数種牧草の収量とその季節的年次的分布 II.マメ科牧草の混播による草地の収量及び2,3の土壌性質の変化について(日本草地研究会第2回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 11.土壤の種類による牧草生育の差異(日本草地研究会第4回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 牧草の夏がれ防止に関する研究 : 第2報 ランナーによる ladino clover の夏がれ診断について (第131回 講演会)
- 54.土壤水分測定法としての石こうブロック電気抵抗法の精度(日本草地研究会第4回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 土壤水分測定法としての石こうブロック電気抵抗法の精度
- 21.牧草根の機能に関する研究 : III いね科牧草幼植物の発根について(日本草地研究会第4回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 20.牧草根の機能に関する研究 : II オーチャードグラスのsod-bound形成におよぼす刈取の影響(日本草地研究会第4回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 21.牧草根の機能に関する研究 : I.オーチャードグラスの地上部,地下部の生育におよぼす刈取の影響(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 13.牧草の夏がれ防止に関する研究 : II.高温が牧草の光合成および呼吸作用におよぼす影響(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)
- 12.牧草の夏がれ防止に関する研究 : I. Ladino Cloverの夏がれ症状(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)