禾殻類の鞘根に関する研究 : 第3報 稲種子の発芽時に於ける鞘根に就て
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Experiments were performed to investigate the nature of coleorhiza of rice seeds, and the following results were obtained : 1) The epiblast of rice embryo was very noticeable compared with those in the other cereals. It adhered closely to the coleorhiza. In the resting stage of the embryo the boundary between the coleorhiza and the epiblast were not clear, but became distinct at the germination, as the coleorhiza swelled and expanded toward the apex of the seminal root. Vertical sections of the embryos of 15 varieties of rice are shown in Fig 3. The epidermis of coleorhiza and epiblast consited of long-shaped cells and some of them grew into hairs. 2) The growth of the seminal root from which the coleorhiza and the epiblast were off was inferior to that of untreated ones, showing only 64% of growth rate of the control at the 24 th hour after the teatment. The coleorhiza and the epiblast in embryo seem to enact some roles in connection with the growth of the seminal root at the germination. 3) The depression of freezing point of coleorhiza tissue was altered by the concentration of artificial culture solution. 4) The absorption power of unhusked rice grain was equivalent to that of 0.5〜0.6 M sucrose solution, while that of the husked grain to that of 0.7〜0.8 M sucrose solution. In artificial culture solution of higher concentrations, the seminal roots stopped their growth, while the coleorhiza continued its elongation. The values of absorption power mentiond above are represented by SATO's 'Mittlere Saugkraft-maxima.'
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1957-09-20
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