大豆の甘藷圃混作に関する研究 : 混植位置及び混植期と根系との関係
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With ragard to intercropping soybean in sweet potato fields, wre have reported in the previous paper that the interforing effects were less marked when the beans were sown on the side half-way down the sweet potato planting ridge than when sown on their shoulders, and that the same was the case with later sowing of bean plants against earlier sowing of them into the fields where sweet potato had been planted. In 1954, under similar conditions, studies were made on the root development, of those two kinds ds of crop when mixed with each other, and the results were as follows: a) By early sowing of soybeans on the shoulder of the ridge, their roots interfered remakably with those of sweet potato plants ; b) the former sown early on the ridge sides proved less harmful to the latter ; c) late sowing on the side brought fairly good growth of the root systems of the both plants with almost no interference with each other.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1956-04-01
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