- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the author (1929) found that the resistance of the toxic action of KClO_3 correlated positively with the drought resitance in seedlings of rice varieties, the close relationships of the toxicant resistance to the other several kinds of characteristics of certain plants have feen observed by him as well as others, the results hitherto obtained being briefly summarized as follows. (1) Cold resistance: The cold resistant varieties are less resistant to the toxicant (Wheat, Barley, Rape, Genge, Radish, Brassica, Loquat and pine trees.) (2) Drought resistance: The drought resistant varieties are more resistant to the toxicant (Rice-Paddy and Upland rice-Upland rice only.) (3) Earliness in ripening: The earlier varieties are less resistant to the-toxicant than the later ones (Rice and Sugar-cane) (4) Sex: (a) The males are more resistant than the females (Hemp, Spinach Aucula Japonica and Remux Acetosa L.) (b) The males are less resistant than the females. (Papaya, Strawberry and Asparagus) (5) Double flowered and single flowered plants: Double flowered plants are more resistant than the single flowered ones. (Matthila incana and other many kinds of flower plants) (5) Virus diseased plants: Diseased plants are less resistant than healthy ones (Many kinds of vegetable crops and Tobacco plant.) (7) F_1 plants: F_1 plants are more resistant than either of their parents (Egg-plant) (8) Teratological forms: Teratological forms, especially in sexual organs, are more resistant than the normal ones (Rice) showing the materials used in the auther's experiments. Basing on the results of various kinds of tests with rice and wheat plants, the auther has ever put forward the hypothesis pertaining to the physiological cause of the toxicant resistace as is shown below: The chlorate itself is practically harmless to plants, but the salts are reduced by the reducing substances contained in plants, such as glucose, aldehydes, etc., resulting in the formation of hypochlorite which acts directly poisenous on plants and consequently the resistance to the toxicant is dependent on the amount of the substances concerned, i. e., the more the amount of the latter, the less the resistance to the toxicant. (Here, the amount of the reducing mattersiod in plants was compared by that of the ine consumed by the oxidation.) By the further study, the above-noted hypothesis is found also applicable in the case of the toxicant resistance with thesex es as well as double versus single flowering. The reducing substances, it may be believed, have much to do with the problem of the oxidation-reduction within plants. This idea is supported by estimating the activity of catalase (oxidizing agent) and the amount of the ascorbic acid (reducing agent) with rice, wheat and flower plants. From the results of the present research, it may be noticed of most importance to find out the reason why the characteristics conserned have the certain relationships with the oxidation-reduction reaction within plants for which some study along this line is now under way in the author's laboratory.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1951-12-30
- 甘蔗同化作用の季節的消長
- 臺灣の甘蔗品種に就いて
- 葉の剪除が蔗莖節間に於ける糖分蓄積に及ぼす影響に就て(第2報) : 昭和十四年四月九日受理
- 甘蔗に於ける苗の發芽特に發根に就いて : 昭和十二年四月十一日受理
- 水稻及び陸稻種子の鹽類溶液中發芽に於ける差異に就いて : 昭和九年十一月二十四日受理
- 落花生の結実並に油脂含量に及ぼす石灰の肥効 (第100回講演会)
- 31 陸稲と水稲間の耐寒性について(続報)
- 50. 陸稲と水稲間の耐寒性の差異について
- 塩素酸加里法の理論に關する二三の考察
- 藁灰の發根促進に就て
- 甘藷苗の草木灰並に石灰に依る豫措が藷の收量に及ぼす効果に就て (豫報)
- 甘蔗品種に於ける蔗苗の異常的發芽現象と其の生理的原因 : 昭和十年四月七日受理
- 作物品種の鹽素酸加里に對する抗毒性並に其の生理的意義に關する研究 : 昭和七年四月九日 東京三會堂に於ける日本農學會大會特別講演要旨
- 耐寒性を異にせる小麥品種に於ける苗の生育に就いて
- 小麥製粉歩合に關する研究 : 要旨
- 稻品種の有毒鹽類に對する抵抗性と其の實用的形質との關係に就いて : 豫報
- 日本学術会議会員在任中の想い出
- 小麦のバーナリゼーション過程に於ける塩素酸カリ抗毒性並びに還元性物質含量の変化について
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- 苗代に於ける藁灰施用が稲苗の発根を促進する効果について(続) (第110回講演会)
- 小麦秋播性程度とビタミンC含有量との関係
- 塩素酸カリ法による大麻の雌雄鑑別について (第107回講演会)
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- 小麦秋播性程度とビタミンC含有量との関係 (第99回講演会)
- コルヒチン処理期間の温度が倍数体発現率に及ぼす影響について
- 藁灰処理が小麦苗の発根を促進させる機構に就て
- 30.コルヒチン処理期間の温度が倍数体発現率に及ぼす影響について : 日本育種学会第四回講演会要旨
- 2, 4-Dの植物毒害に関する生理学的研究 : (第2報) 生育期における菊芋の化學的組成の変化について
- 塩素酸カリ法から見た小麥バーナリゼーションの後作用について
- 監素酸加里法による作物倍数体の鑑別(豫報)
- 2.4-Dの植物毒害に關する生理學的研究 : 第I報 2.4-D と KClO_3 との除草に對する共力効果に就て