生籾の一時貯留に関する研究 : 第1報 籾水分ならびに貯留温度が籾の変質に及ぼす影響
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In the present investigation, we observed the changes in the quality of rough rice grains in the course of stroge for 30 days. For this purpose, four different groups of samples of moisture content of 16.4% to 24.2% were stored at temperature of 23℃, 28℃, and 32℃ (Expt. 1); and 13℃, 18℃, and 23℃ (Expt. 2). The results are summarized as follows: 1. Moisture contents of rough rice remained comparatively unchanged, except the later stages of storage of high moisture content grains (22 to 24.2%). 2. The occurrence of deteriorated grains in the course of storage for 30 days showed an increasing trend according as the moisture content and storage temperature became higher. In the case of grains of moisture content of 18% or of less than 18.7% little or no deteriorated grains were noticed during the 30 days storage at the respective temperatures ranging from 13℃ to 32℃. 3. Viability of embryos (TZ values) at the later stages tended to decrease more rapidly according as the moisture content and the storage temperatures became higher. 4. In case where 24.2% moisture content grains were stored at higher temperatures than 28℃, grains could be stored safely only for one day, while in case where grains of 18% moisture content or of less than 18.7% were stored at temperatures of 13℃ to 32℃, grains could be stored safely for 30 days without any deterioration in their quality.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1969-03-10
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